▶ Committee News
- Membership Class: Jan. 12 (today) —Feb. 2 (Sundays only), New Member Room
9:10AM-9:50AM (Korean Service) / 1:30PM-2:10PM (English Service)
- Youth Communicants Class Registration 1/12-1/26 Class starts 1/26
Questions: [email protected] - KUCP Reading the Korean Bible/Every Monday – Friday 7-7:30AM
ID: 852 8399 8066 Passcode: 353656 - Welcoming & Farewell Banquet for new & retired officers
Jan. 25 (Sat.) 7PM
- Appointed: Jennifer Pak, In Pak/Hallelujah Choir
- Monthly small group meeting/Bible questionnaire will start in February
- All Church members directory photo shoot schedule:
Sundays only Photo room (next to the kitchen) 9:00 AM~12:00 PM
1/12 Central North A, B (9-11 AM only) 1/19 No photo shoot
1/26 Central North C, D, E 2/2 Cheltenham A, B, C
- Please sign up for altar flowers after service. (downstairs)
- New Year’s Greeting Service of The Council of Korean Churches of Philadelphia
Jan.19 (Sun.) 5 PM Main Sanctuary
▶ Meetings
- Moses Group Monthly Meeting 1.19 (Sunday) 9:10 AM, New Members Rm.
- Naomi Group Monthly Meeting 1.19 (Sunday) 9:10 AM, Berea Room
- Lydia Group Monthly Meeting 1.19 (Sunday) 9:10 AM, House of Grace
- Joshua Group Monthly Meeting 1.19 (Sunday) 11:15 AM, House of Love (2 fl)
- Hanna Group Monthly Meeting 1.19 (Sunday) 11:15 AM, Love Ministsry Rm.
- Esther & Maria Monthly Meeting 1.19 (Sunday) 11:15 AM, Berea Room