Categories: News, 웹매거진

11/19/2023 Announcement

Committee News


  1. Today is Thanksgiving Sunday.
  2. Thank to all who helped Turkey Basket sorting and packing.
  3. Appointed: Hallelujah choir/Jong Duk Kim
    Zion choir/Kyung Soon Kim, Young Pyung Kim, Hyun Ok Lee
    Wednesday Piano, Sunday Piano & Organ (1st service)/Jin Wok Park
  4. Clothing Donation for the South American illegal immigrants (used & new)
    11/15-12/24 (coats, shirts, hats, scarves  etc.)    contact/Mercy Dept., Jin Sook Shin




  1. Moses Group Monthly Meeting                   11.19 (Today) 9:10 AM,  New Members’ Room
  2. Naomi Group Monthly Meeting                   11.19 (Today) 9:10 AM,  Berea Room
  3. Lydia Group Monthly Meeting                     11.19 (Today) 9:10 AM,  House of Grace
  4. Joshua Group Monthly & Prayer Meeting   11.19 (Today) – 20 (Mon.)
    Peace Prayer Counseling Center in NJ
  1. Hanna Group Monthly Meeting                  11.19 (Today) 11:15 AM,  Siloam Room
  2. Esther & Maria Monthly Meeting                11.19 (Today) 11:15 AM,  Hebron Room
  3. Kwonsa Monthly Meeting                           11.26 (Sun.) 11: 15 AM, House of Love




  1. Bereavement: The late  Sook Ja Han (Kon Han’s  mother) /11.15




*Worship:  To worship as true worshipers

*Member:  Strengthen the saints and heal the sick

*Mission:    Missionary safety and fruitful ministry

*Church:   Senior Pastor’s  family and ministry

*World:      For the stability of Ukrain

For  the stabilization of the situation in Northeast India

For victims  and  families in Maui  Hawaii , Morocco and  Libya

For an end  the war and bring peace between Israel and Hamas