Categories: News, 웹매거진

2/18/2024 Announcement

▶ Committee News

1. Deacons/Kwonsa Retreat Feb. 18 (Today), 2:00 PM Small Sanctuary
2. New Members Certificates Recipients:
Jung Hoon Baek, Young Hee Sohn, Ohn Soon, Young Ae Yoo, Ki Won Lee,
Sung Young Lee, Seong Ho Jeon, Yesll Jeon, Jong Kwan Choi,
Nan Young Hwang, Jae Jin Hwang, Grace Hur, Daniel Cho, Rosa Yoon
3. Baptism/Confirmation: Please fill out the form in the office.
4. Appointed (Bible Study Group Leaders):
Northeast area/Soon Ja Lee, Central and North/Kyu Nam Lee
5. PCA Joint Yourth Retreat: 2/16-17 New Jersey Christian Academy
6. Volunteers needed in the kitchen (English Service) sign up downstairs
7. Short term mission to Voi in Kenya in May (4-6 people)
Contact: Office or Deacon Sang Park

▶ Meetings

1. Moses Group Monthly Meeting 2.18 (Today) 9:10 AM, Choir room (3rd fl.)
2. Naomi Group Monthly Meeting 2.18 (Today) 9:10 AM, Berea Room
3.Lydia Group Monthly Meeting 2.18 (Today) 9:10 AM, Emmaus Room
4. Joshua Group Monthly Meeting 2.18 (Today) 11:15 AM, House of Love (2 fl)
5. Esther & Maria Monthly Meeting 2.18 (Today) 11:15 AM, Hebron Room
*Worship: To worship as true worshipers
*Member: Strengthen the saints and heal the sick
*Mission: Missionary safety and fruitful ministr