Categories: News, 웹매거진

5/19/2024 Announcement



  Committee News


  1. KUCP Reading the English Bible/Every Monday – Friday  7-7:30AM
    Join Zoom Meeting    Meeting ID: 882 7168 1686     Passcode: 538361
  1. Please pray for the Mission Team to Voi , Kenya  5/15~30
    (Sang Jin Park, Kun Sik Choi, Young Hee Choi B)
  2. Short term Missions:
    Mission to Maasai, Kenya /Mid-September     Contact: Sang Jin Park, In Pak
  3. Education Family Picnic 5/26 (Sunday)  11:15 AM   behind the House of Grace




  1. Moses  Group Monthly Meeting                        5.19 (Today)     9:10 AM,  Choir room (3rd fl.)
  2. Naomi Group Monthly Meeting                         5.19 (Today)    9:10 AM,  Berea Room
  3. Lydia  Group Monthly Meeting                          5.19 (Today)    9:10 AM,  Emmaus Room
  4. Joshua Group Monthly Meeting                        5.19 (Today)   11:15  AM,  House of Love (2 fl)
  5. Hanna Group Monthly Meeting                         5.19 (Today)   11:15 AM,  Love Ministry Rm.
  6. Esther & Maria Monthly Meeting                       5.19 (Today)   11:15 AM,  Hebron Room
  7. Moses/Lydia New Member Welcome                5.21 (Tue.),  11:00 AM,   Fellowship Room
  8. Central North Group Meeting                            5.19 (Today)   4:00 PM,  Fellowship Room
  9. Northeast Group Meeting                                  5.26 (Sunday)   12:00 PM,  Alverthorpe Park
  10. Blue Bell Group Meeting                                   5.26 (Sunday)   4:00 PM,  Deacon Hong’s Residence





*Worship:  To worship as true worshipers

*Member:  Strengthen the saints and heal the sick

*Mission:    Missionary safety and fruitful ministry

*Church:   Be filled with the fullness of Christ

*World:      For an end  the war and bring peace between

Russia and Ukraine,  Israel and Hamas, for the stability of Haiti