Categories: News, 웹매거진

9/8/2024 Announcement

Congregational Meeting   September 15 (Sunday)  after United Worship
Report: 2025 Ruling Elder Election/Audit/ Financial Report/Balance


General Meeting of the Foundation
September 15  after Congregational Meeting




  Committee News


  1. 1. We thank the Missionary for the messages.


  1. 56th Anniversary Sunday United Worship 11 AM September 15.


  1.  Council Meeting:  9.11(Wed.) after Wednesday Service


  1. KUCP Reading the English Bible/Every Monday – Friday  7-7:30AM
    Join Zoom Meeting    Meeting ID: 882 7168 1686     Passcode: 538361


  1. 2025 Ruling Elder Election Nominee: Deacon Daniel Dong Hee Lee
    Election will be held  Sep. 15 (Sunday)  during Congregational Meeting.


  1. Please pray for Mission to Maasai, Kenya  9/15~26
    (Rev. Daniel Kwon, In Pak, Jin Sook Shin, Sang Joon Lee, Jennifer Pak)


  1. Short term Missions:
    Mission to Dominican Republic   Mid-November
    Contact/Hoson Rim, Sang Jin Park


  1. KUCP Open School is starting September 13th 10 Am


  1. KUCP Korean School is accepting registration.




  1. Moses  Group Monthly Meeting     9.15 (Sunday)  10:10 AM,  New Member Rm.
  2. Joshua Group Monthly Meeting     9.15 (Sunday)  12:30  PM,  House of Love (2 fl)
  3. Hanna Group Monthly Meeting      9.15 (Sunday)  12:30 PM,  Hebron Room





*Worship:  To worship as true worshipers

*Member:  Strengthen the saints and heal the sick

*Mission:  Missionary safety and fruitful ministry

*Church:  Be filled with the fullness of Christ

*World:   For an end  the war and bring peace between Russia and Ukraine,

Israel and Hamas, for the stability of Haiti