Categories: News, 웹매거진

11/3/2024 Announcement

Committee News



  1. 1. We thank Rev. Barnabas Kim for the messages during the revival service.
  2. Wednesday Night Praise and Prayer this Wednesday. 11/6
  3. We are taking church directory photos: Sundays only
    Photo room (next to the kitchen)  9:00 AM~12:00 PM
    11/3:   Northeast C, D         11/10:  Northeast E, Logan
    11/17: EC, Main Line           11/24:  Northern A, B
  4. KUCP Reading the English Bible/Every Monday – Friday 7-7:30AM
    Join Zoom Meeting    Meeting ID: 882 7168 1686     Passcode: 538361




  1. Kwonsa General Assembly      11.3  (Today)    11:15 AM,  Choir room (3rd fl.)






*Worship:   To worship as true worshipers

*Member:  Strengthen the saints and heal the sick

*Mission:    Missionary safety and fruitful ministry

*Church:    Be filled with the fullness of Christ

*World:      For an end  the war and bring peace between Russia and Ukraine,

Israel and Hamas, for the stability of Haiti

America and the leaders