성탄주일 연합예배 (United Christmas Sunday Service)
12.22 (Sunday) 11 AM Main Sanctuary
성탄절 연합예배 (Christmas Day Service)
12.25 (Wednesday) 11 AM Main Sanctuary
송구영신예배 (New Year’s Eve Service)
12.31 (Tuesday) 11 PM Main Sanctuary
▶ Committee News
- 오늘 연합예배 후 공동의회가 있습니다. (Congregational Meeting after worship service)
안건: 2025년 예산안 인준 (2025 Budget Plan)
- All Church members directory photo shoot schedule:
Sundays only Photo room (next to the kitchen) 9:00 AM~12:00 PM
*12/8: Blue Bell C, D (until 1 hour after Congregational Meeting)
12/15: Northwest A, B
12/22: no photo shoot 12/29: no photo shoot
- 세례 신청 받습니다. Baptism (12/22): Please fill out the form in the office.
- 2025년 헌금봉투가 준비되어 있습니다. /2025 offering envelopes are available downstairs.
- 임명(appoint): Sam Lee Media ministry/half time
- 남미 노동자 겨울 의류를 기부 받습니다. /자선부
(상태가 좋은 중고 외투, 셔츠, 모자, 목도리 등) 기간: 12/1(주일)-12/22(주일)
Clothing Donation for the South American immigrants (used & new)
12/1-12/22 (coats, shirts, hats, scarves etc.) contact/Mercy Dept., Jin Sook Shin
▶ Meetings
- Moses Group General Assembly (총회) 12.15 (Sun.) 9:10 AM, New Members’ Rm
- Naomi Group Monthly Meeting 12.15 (Sun.) 9:10 AM, Berea Room
- Lydia Group Monthly Meeting 12.15 (Sun.) 9:10 AM, Agape Room
- Joshua Group Monthly Meeting 12.15 (Sun.) 11:15 AM, House of Love (2 fl)
- Hanna Group Monthly Meeting 12.15 (Sun.) 11:15 AM, Hebron Room
*Worship: To worship as true worshipers
*Member: Strengthen the saints and heal the sick
*Mission: Missionary safety and fruitful ministry
*Church: Be filled with the fullness of Christ
*World: For an end the war and bring peace between Russia and Ukraine,
Israel and Hamas, for the stability of Haiti
America and the leaders