Categories: News, 웹매거진

8/27/2023 Announcement

   *55th Anniversary of the establishment of the Korean United Church*   Retreat & Revival for all members                9.8 (Fri.) – 9/9 (Sat.) Main Sanctuary 55th Church Anniversary Worship                9.10 (Sun.) 11:00 AM Main Sanctuary Celebration & Fellowship                              9.10 (Sun.) after […]

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Categories: News, 웹매거진

8월 넷째주

*교회설립 55주년 기념행사*   전교인 수련회 & 사경회                                              9/8 (금) -9/9 (토)  대예배실 설립 55주년 기념 예배(한어 합동 예배)                      9/10 (주) 오전 11시  […]

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Categories: News, 웹매거진

8/20/2023 Announcement

   *55th Anniversary of the establishment of the Korean United Church*   Retreat & Revival for all members                 9.8 (Fri.) – 9/9 (Sat.) Main Sanctuary 55th Church Anniversary Worship                  9.10 (Sun.) 11:00 AM Main Sanctuary Celebration & Fellowship      […]

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Categories: News, 웹매거진

8월 셋째주

*교회설립 55주년 기념행사*   전교인 수련회 & 사경회                                               9/8 (금) -9/9 (토)  대예배실 설립 55주년 기념 예배(한어 합동 예배)                       9/10 (주) 오전 11시  […]

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Categories: News, 웹매거진

8/13/2023 Announcement

▶ Committee News   No Parking in driveway behind the main building unless  heavy loading/unloading.   Volunteers needed – Food  prep & serve meals. (2nd & English Service) – Praise Team  for  2nd & English Service  (Singers and Instrumentalists) – Website, Online and A/V tech savvy Youth Joint Retreat 8/15-18,  Theme: Rooted in Christ   […]

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