▶ Committee News
- Topic: KUCP Reading the English Bible (2024)
Time: Every Monday – Friday 7-7:30AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 7168 1686 Passcode: 538361 - There will be a multiple church Sunrise Service for Easter Sunday
6 :00 AM at KUCP
KUCP will be having a combined Easter Service at 11:00 AM
(All other services will not be meeting)
- Church Spring Cleaning Day: 7:00 AM on April 6th (Sat).
- Church is accepting nominations for officers position for 2025.
- Volunteers needed:
Pianist to play during the weekday morning prayer (Mon.- Fri.)
In the kitchen (English Service) sign up downstairs
Repair/Maintenance contact: Elder Chung or Deacon Daniel Lee
- Short term mission to Voi in Kenya in May (4-6 people)
Contact: Office or Deacon Sang Park
- Mission Dept. is looking for anyone willing to support the Oliver Middle
School scholarship fund.
▶ Meetings
- Dept. Head Meeting 3.17 (Sunday) 8: 00 PM, Zoom
*Worship: To worship as true worshipers
*Member: Strengthen the saints and heal the sick
*Mission: Missionary safety and fruitful ministry
*Church: Be filled with the fullness of Christ
*World: For the stability of Ukraine
For an end the war and bring peace between Israel and Hamas